This blog comes from two of the teachers working at schools in our Wild Coast Montessori Network. Nomaphuzi, the Principal at Ngoko Montessori and Cynthia, the Principal of Ejojweni Montessori, share the effects of the improvements of their classrooms and learning resources has had on their communities.

Nomaphuzi – Principle at Ngoko Montessori:
Our school buildings were renovated and upgraded in 2020, with big thanks to Kamvalethu, as we joyfully received materials from First Children to create prepared environments for our children. Since then, children from surrounding villages have joined our preschool, as parents can see a big difference in their children when they attend our school. We have a long waiting list for next year because of all the improvements.

We never used to have parent workshops, but since the new buildings, the parents attend the workshops and they like to learn something new – they are very interested. The parents now know the importance of their children attending school every day and they know the school is for their children. They are starting to ‘own’ the school. The children’s attendance has improved a lot, except on rainy days.

“Good buildings and our Prepared Environment is changing the children’s lives. Enkosi!”

Above: Ejojweni Improved Environment
Ejojweni – Creating words in their Mother tongue

Cynthia – Principal of Ejojweni Montessori:
Our school was improved in 2019 and we started Parent Workshops in 2020. Since this has happened, there are now children from 6 villages attending our preschool. The parents saw the order in our Prepared Environment and the big improvement in their children’s learning and respect. We have a waiting list of children for next year.

The Parent Workshops started last year and the parents enjoy attending them, as they know they are going to learn something. They are now more interested in the school, as they know their roles. The children’s attendance has improved too.

Above: Ngoko Parent Workshop

Teachers from the traditional schools come to visit our school to see how our children are learning. Children coming from our school are excellent at reading and numbers in Grade 1 and they are not afraid as they have all the school readiness skills to enjoy their schooling. Children that come from our preschool and go to Grade 1 are the ones that are attending the competitions for mathematics and reading.